Falklands Islands Treehouses + Houses


As the last stop to Antartica the client was looking for a solution for both residents of the island but also tourists and visitors stopping off. We were tasked with creating cost effective, environmentally conscious interiors and exteriors using materials that would be resilient to the weather conditions which are very inhospitable at times and with a need to be lightweight for transportation costs. A tight budget was imposed and a need to create a neutral housing scheme alongside a billionaires playground experience with the stand alone, off grid sky lodges.


To maintain the ethos of the location, we needed to visit the islands and see why the buildings looked they way they did and what had been learnt over the centuries with regards to the materials used and the environment. The population was small and the community very close in spirit. The lack of imposed planning and access to materials for both initial construction but also maintenance resulted in a very simple, but unique rhythm to the buildings and their look. Neighbours working together to ensure each plot works alongside the next. A primary set of colours alongside neutral white cladded buildings. Architecturally a move from Victorian brickwork (not out of place in areas of the mainland UK) through corrugated panels to more modern cladding systems of Cedral. The interiors a modest, clean but modern approach targeting the youth and more mature aspirations. Following design styles common the UK housing market, but simplified to approach for shipping of materials.


Still in construction, the houses and cabins are still yet to be unveiled. The design and approach were rigorously analysed for cost feasibility and target aspiration approval. A resounding acceptance of both elements leads the way to further work with the client group.

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